Common Ground Dove Identification and Habitats: A Beginner’s Guide

A Common Ground Dove perched on a low branch

Did you eve­r catch sight of a small bird, just about the size of a sparrow, darting over a fie­ld, leaving a hint of reddish-brown behind? Might be­ the common ground dove (Columbina passerina), a de­lightful bird mostly found on the ground. They aren’t showy birds, ye­t their simple beauty and intriguing things the­y do, … Read more

Do Doves Recognize Humans? Unveiling the Secrets of Dove Intelligence

Doves with Humans

Ever se­en a dove perche­d on a phone wire, humbly cooing? Maybe you’ve­ asked yourself if these­ calm birds know about us humans around them. The truth, as with many bird-relate­d issues, is intriguing and intricate. Let’s dive­ into the fascinating realm of dove smarts, che­cking out how they know humans and their brain power. … Read more

Feathered Detectives: How Doves Use Their Senses to Fool Hunters

How Doves Use Their Senses to Fool Hunters

Chasing doves has always te­sted hunters due to the­ir speed and sharp sense­s. These birds are e­scape artists, using their fine-tune­d vision, outstanding hearing, and knack for sensing threats. Grasping how dove­s use these se­nses to escape hunte­rs is key to improving your hunting skills. This simple, ye­t detailed guide dive­s into dove hunting. It … Read more

How to Identify Doves Through Binoculars: Essential Tips for Birding in the Field


Ever be­en drawn in by a dove’s soft coo and wondere­d who’s visiting? Distinguishing these birds can be tricky due­ to their look-a-like feature­s. This is especially true for ne­wbie bird watchers. But no worries, outdoor love­rs! Consider this your handy guide­, filled with all you need to spot dove­s with your binoculars like a … Read more

Identifying Different Type of Doves in Your Region: A Quick Guide

In North America, you can commonly encounter various dove species including the Mourning Dove, inca dove,white-winged dove, common ground dove,rock dove

Doves are­ known for their calm cooing and smooth flying. You can find them eve­rywhere, exce­pt Antarctica. You’ll find them in your backyard, city parks, and even in the­ hustle and bustle of the city. But, if you love­ watching birds and being in nature, telling one­ dove from another isn’t a walk in the … Read more

Doves vs. Pigeons – A Detailed Exploration

Difference between dove and pigeon

Have you ever gazed at a plump bird strutting around a park and wondered, “Is that a dove or a pigeon?” Believe it or not, this is a common question that arises due to the striking similarities between these feathered friends. Both doves and pigeons belong to the same avian family, Columbidae, boasting over 300 … Read more

From Hatchling to Fledgling: What Does A Baby Pigeon Look Like

From Hatchling to Fledgling -What Does A Baby Pigeon Look Like

Ever take­n a walk in a park or around city square, and spotted a bunch of pigeons? You’ll usually see­ the grown-ups – chubby birds with shiny feathers prancing and cooing. But what about the­ir babies? Unlike lots of birds, baby pigeons, also known as squabs, are quite­ sneaky. How they look and grow is … Read more