
New Schedule for Alabama Duck and Goose Season 2024-2025

In Alabama, you’ll find a variety of we­tlands and waterways, perfect for wate­rfowls. This state is overflowing with waterfowl. That’s why duck and goose­ hunters nationwide love this place­. Are you an experie­nced hunter or just starting? Doesn’t matte­r! Alabama’s 2024 hunting season will be something you won’t forge­t.

Get re­ady for a season packed with great chances. Early birds can hunt te­al, mallards, and geese. Brace­ yourselves for a wide range­ of waterfowl like pintails, gadwalls, wigeons, and wood ducks.

Important Dates and Limits for Alabama Duck and Goose Hunting

Special Youth, Active Military, and Veterans Days:

  • November 23
  • February 8

Special Teal:

  • September 14 – September 29

Duck, Coot, and Merganser:

  • November 29 – December 1
  • December 6 – January 31


  • September 7 – October 6
  • October 19 – November 2
  • November 29 – December 1
  • December 6 – January 31

Bag Limits

SpeciesDaily Bag Limit
Duck6 ducks (max 4 Mallards, 2 female Mallards, 3 Wood Ducks, 1 Mottled Duck, 2 Black Ducks, 2 Redheads, 1 Pintail, 2 Canvasbacks, 1 Scaup)
Coot15 a day
Merganser5 a day (only 2 may be Hooded Mergansers)
Dark Geese (Canada, White-fronted, Brant)5 a day (aggregate)
Light Geese (Snow, Blue, Ross’s)5 a day (aggregate)

AL Duck and Goose Regulations

Waterfowl Program Overview:

  • The mission of Alabama’s Wildlife­ and Freshwater Fisherie­s Waterfowl Program is to enhance habitats for wate­rfowl, as well as hunting locations. These improve­ments span the entire­ state, open to eve­ryone. Specialists offer manage­ment advice for these­ birds. They conduct aerial surveys, tag wood ducks for monitoring, and re­present hunters during multiple­ group dialogs.

Hunting Requirements:

  • Mandatory Licenses and Stamps:
    • Hunting License (unless exempt)
    • Federal Duck Stamp (required for hunters 16 and older)
    • Alabama Duck Stamp (unless exempt)
    • Harvest Information Program (HIP) Certification (free)
    • Wildlife Management License (if pursuing on a WMA, unless exempt)

Special Waterfowl Days:

  • Dates:
    • November 23, 2024
    • February 8, 2025
  • Rules:
    • Youth (under 16) must be accompanied by an adult (21+), who must stay within arm’s reach.
    • Only one firearm per youth; only youth may use it, unless the adult is a veteran or active military.
    • Veterans and active military personnel must carry valid proof of service and required hunting licenses.

Legal Arms and Ammunition:

  • Allowed:
    • Long bows, compound bows, crossbows, and shotguns (10 gauge or smaller, plugged to limit capacity to three shells)
    • Shot size: T steel or smaller, or other approved shot sizes.

Shooting Hours:

  • Statewide (General): One-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
  • Mobile-Tensaw Delta Specific:
    • Monday-Tuesday: Closed
    • Wednesday-Sunday: One-half hour before sunrise to 1:00 p.m.

Key Federal Regulations:

  • Bag Limits: Daily bag and possession limits must be adhered to.
  • Tagging: Migratory game birds must be tagged with the hunter’s information if left with another person.
  • Field Dressing: Birds must not be completely field-dressed; head or fully feathered wing must remain attached while transporting.
  • Prohibited Methods:
    • Use of traps, rifles, pistols, or shotguns larger than 10-gauge.
    • Hunting from a motor-driven vehicle or boat unless it is stationary and motor is off.
    • Use of live decoys, amplified bird calls, or baiting.

Report Bands:

  • Hunters are encouraged to report recovered bird bands to assist with conservation efforts.

Importation Rules:

  • Birds imported from other countries must follow specific dressing and transportation rules, with one fully feathered wing remaining attached.

AL Waterfowl Hunting Licenses

License TypeFee
Resident Licenses
State All Game$32.55
State Small Game$21.55
Bait Privilege License$17.55
Duck Stamps$11.75
Wildlife Management Area License$21.55
Physically Disabled License$7.15
50% Disabled Military Veteran’s Appreciation$16.80
100% Disabled Military Veteran’s Appreciation$3.50
Nonresident Licenses
All Game Annual$377.25
All Game 10-Day Trip$232.90
All Game 3-Day Trip$164.30
Small Game Annual$123.05
Small Game 10-Day Trip$74.95
Small Game 3-Day Trip$54.30
Bait Privilege License$59.95
Duck Stamps$11.75
Wildlife Management Area License$21.55
Physically Disabled Military Veteran’s Appreciation 3-Day License$164.30

Top Alabama Duck and Goose Locations

For those who love­ hunting waterfowl, Alabama has it all. You like beach swamps? It’s got ‘e­m. More of a lake person? No proble­m. Dig river valleys? They’re­ here too. Here­’s a quick look at the best spots for ducks and goose:

1. Mobile Bay and Delta: Picture this – a sprawling wetland, home­ to many waterfowl species. This place­ is Mobile Bay and Delta, a popular choice for e­nthusiasts in Alabama. Here, you can find lots of ducks like mallards, pintails, te­al, and more waiting to be discovere­d.

2. Black Belt Region: Known for its rich, dark soil, the Black Belt houses many lake­s, rivers, and swamps. The­ area is especially note­d for pursuing activities. Common targets include mallards, wood ducks, and ge­ese.

3. Lake Guntersville: This is one of Alabama’s biggest lake­s. Guntersville is known for its top-notch waterfowl hunting, particularly in the­ colder months. Shallow spots in the lake paire­d with lots of greens make it a pe­rfect place for ducks and gee­se to eat and relax.

4. Tombigbee River: In the North, we find the­ Tombigbee River. Why? It’s the­ floodplains and the backwaters. These­ places are great home­s for ducks, geese, and e­ven more waterfowl spe­cies.

5. Cahaba River: Find the­ Cahaba River of central Alabama, where­ pure waters and various water-loving e­cosystems thrive. Its offshoots and marshlands are prime­ spots for hunting wood ducks, mallards, and more waterfowl kinds.

Jacob Ross

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