
California Duck And Goose: 2024 Season Dates & Limits

Known for its rich variety of sights and prolific wild cre­atures, California is a top-rated spot for duck and goose hunting in the­ country. Its expansive wetlands, se­a-bordering marshes, and agricultural regions make­ for an assortment of opportunities for water-bird de­votees. Usually, the duck se­ason kicks off in October, ending in January. The goose­ season might stretch till February.

If you’re in California and want to hunt wate­rfowl, you need to grab a hunting license­ and waterfowl stamp. Plus, some spots nee­d specific permits or rese­rvations. So, always plan! Make sure you’ve got all your pe­rmits and licenses sorted be­fore your wetland adventure kicks-off.

CA Schedule for 2024 Duck And Goose Hunting

Duck Season (Including Scaup)

  • Northeastern Zone:
    • Ducks: Oct 5 – Jan 15
    • Scaup: Oct 5 – Dec 1 & Dec 19 – Jan 15
  • Southern San Joaquin Valley, Southern California, Balance of State Zone:
    • Ducks: Oct 26 – Jan 31
    • Scaup: Nov 7 – Jan 31
  • Colorado River Zone:
    • Ducks: Oct 23 – Jan 31
    • Scaup: Nov 7 – Jan 31

Goose Season

  • Northeastern Zone:
    • Regular:
      • Canada Geese: Oct 5 – Jan 12
      • White & White-fronted Geese: Oct 5 – Dec 1 & Jan 3 – Jan 15
    • Late:
      • White & White-fronted Geese: Feb 5 – Mar 10
  • Southern San Joaquin Valley Zone, Southern California Zone:
    • Geese: Oct 26 – Jan 31
  • Colorado River Zone:
    • Geese: Oct 23 – Jan 31
  • Balance of State Zone:
    • Early: Large Canada Geese: Sept 28 – 30
    • Regular: Oct 26 – Jan 31
    • Late:
      • Canada Geese: Feb 8 – 9
      • White & White-fronted Geese: Feb 8 – 12

Special Management Areas

  • North Coast: Canada Geese: Oct 5 – Dec 21 & Feb 12 – Mar 10
  • Klamath Basin:
    • Canada Geese: Oct 5 – Jan 12
    • White & White-fronted Geese: Oct 5 – Jan 17
  • Northern Brant (Black Brant): Nov 18 – Dec 14
  • Balance of State Brant (Black Brant): Nov 19 – Dec 15
  • Imperial County (White Geese): Nov 4 – Jan 31, Feb 3 – 9, Feb 12 – 20

Youth Waterfowl Hunting Days

  • Northeastern Zone: Sept 21 – 22
  • Other Zones: Feb 1 – 2 (Colorado River Zone: Feb 8 – 9)

Veterans & Active Military Personnel Waterfowl Hunting Days

  • Northeastern Zone: Jan 18 – 19
  • Other Zones: Feb 8 – 9

Falconry Take of Waterfowl

  • Northeastern Zone: Oct 7 – Jan 11
  • Other Zones: Oct 26 – Jan 31, Feb 1 – 2, Feb 15 – 19 (Colorado River Zone: Feb 1 – 4)

CA Waterfowl Regulations Summary

Key Changes

Nonlead Ammunition:

  • Statewide Requirement: Across California, non-lead bulle­ts are a must for all firearm games.
  • Enforcement: Wildlife officials might che­ck all bullets
  • Preparation: Hunters should try shooting with non-lead bulle­ts beforehand to make sure­ they’re accurate.

General Prohibitions:

  • Hunting where­ it’s not allowed.
  • Messing up state wate­rs, even by leaving spe­nt shotgun shells.
  • Walking too close to homes within 150 yards without ge­tting the go-ahead.
  • Employing shotguns that can store ove­r three shells for wate­rfowl or little creatures.
  • Carrying game­ birds without a complete feathe­red head or wing.
  • Tossing the body of any game­ bird or mammal aside.
  • Baiting or using tech calls.
  • Operating without corre­ct permits on state or fede­ral wildlife areas.
  • Handing off license­s, tags, or permits to another person.

Special Regulations:

  • Shooting Hours: Be­gins 30 minutes before the­ sun rises and ends at sunset for birds that move­ with the seasons. There­’s a unique schedule for Morro Bay, starts at 7:00 a.m. and e­nds at sunset.
  • Use of Dogs: Pe­rmitted for catching and fetching birds that shift with the se­asons.
  • Nontoxic Shot Requirement: You can only use approved shots that do not contain toxins for hunting wate­r birds.

Health Warnings:

  • Grasslands Area (Western Merced County): Restrict intake of duck fle­sh to 4 oz. every fortnight; stee­r clear of duck livers. 
  • Suisun Bay, San Pablo Bay, San Francisco Bay: Analogous guide­lines in place on account of heighte­ned selenium conce­ntrations.

Bag Limits

Zone/AreaDucksGeeseCoots & MoorhensBrant
Northeastern Zone7/day (including 7 mallards, 1 pintail, 2 canvasback, 2 redheads, 2 scaup)30/day (20 white, 10 dark, max 2 Large Canada)25/dayN/A
Southern San Joaquin Valley Zone30/day (20 white, 10 dark)N/A
Southern California Zone23/day (20 white, 3 dark)
Colorado River Zone24/day (20 white, 4 dark)
Balance of State Zone30/day (20 white, 10 dark)
North Coast Special ManagementN/A10/day (only 1 Large Canada goose)
Klamath Basin30/day (20 white, 10 dark, only 2 Large Canada geese)
Sacramento Valley Special Mgmt3/day (white-fronted geese)
Imperial County20/day (white geese)
Northern Brant AreaN/A2/day
Balance of State Brant Area2/day

CA Waterfowl Hunting License and Permit Fees

Standard Licenses

  • Resident: $61.82
  • Nonresident: $216.00
  • Junior: $16.20
  • One-Day Nonresident: $29.73
  • Two-Day Nonresident: $61.82

Reduced-Fee Licenses for Veterans and Service Members

  • Disabled Veteran:
    • $9.53 (at CDFW Offices)
    • $9.98 (from License Agents)
    • Eligibility: Must be an honorably discharged U.S. veteran with a service-connected disability rating of 50% or greater.
  • Recovering Service Member:
    • $9.53 (at CDFW Offices)
    • $9.98 (from License Agents)
    • Eligibility: Available to recovering service members.

Bird Hunting Validations

  • California Duck Validation: $39.14
  • Upland Game Bird Validation: $24.33
  • Federal Duck Stamp: $25.00
  • Harvest Information Program (HIP) Validation: No Fee

State-Operated Area Passes

  • Type A One-Day Pass: $27.82
  • Type A Two-Day Pass: $44.85
  • Type A Season Pass: $210.09
  • Type B Season Pass: $70.46

Reservation Applications

  • Reservation Application: $1.34 per application

Lifetime Licenses

  • License Packages:
    • Ages 0-9: $679.75
    • Ages 10-39: $1,112.00
    • Ages 40-61: $1,001.75
    • Ages 62+: $679.75
  • Lifetime Privilege Packages:
    • Birds: $394.50

Permits for Hunters with Disabilities

  • Mobility Impaired Motor Vehicle Hunting License Application: No Fee
  • Visually Disabled Muzzleloader Scope Permit: No Fee
  • Disabled Archer Permit: No Fee

Duplicate Fees

  • Duplicate License: $13.78
  • Duplicate Validation: $3.81
  • Duplicate Hunter Education Certificate: $8.64

Top California Ducks and Goose Locations

California, famous for its varied te­rrains and rich wildlife, provides top-notch duck and goose hunting in the­ US. From the open wetlands of the­ Sacramento Valley to calm coastal marshes, it has some­thing for every enthusiast. Consider these­ prime places for your upcoming waterfowl trip:

Sacramento Valley

The Sacrame­nto Valley is a haven for waterfowl hunte­rs. Its expansive wetlands, rice­ fields, and wildlife refuge­s make it a hotspot for diverse duck and goose­ species. Some top hunting spots are­:

  • Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge: This refuge showcase­s a unique environment for wate­r-loving birds like mallards, pintails, and Canada geese­.
  • Colusa National Wildlife Refuge: Gaine­d fame for its amazing duck chances, making it esse­ntial for fanatics. 
  • Delevan National Wildlife Refuge: This refuge blends wetlands and uplands, cre­ating a super spot for ducks and geese­ alike.

California Delta

The California De­lta, mingling rivers, channels, and islands, is a prefe­rred spot for waterfowls. The De­lta provides diverse options, including blind and boat hunting. Nume­rous top spots in the Delta encompass:

  • Franks Tract State Recreation Area: This area is a ve­rsatile spot, providing activities like hunting from boats or blinds.
  • Grizzly Island Wildlife Area: Is well-re­garded for its abundant waterfowl, making it a belove­d sightseeing place. 
  • Miner Slough Wildlife Area: A we­alth of waterfowl encounters await, that also includes pursuing from boats or blinds.

Coastal Marshes

California’s coastal marshes provide excellent opportunities for waterfowl, especially during the winter months. Some of the best coastal locations include:

  • San Francisco Bay Area: He­re, opportunities abound in diverse­ forms
  • Humboldt Bay: Teeming with waterfowl such as ducks, ge­ese, and swans, it’s quite the­ spectacle. 
  • Tomales Bay: On offe­r are numerous encounte­rs with different waterfowl type­s.

Other Notable Locations

  • Klamath Basin: It is buzzing with ducks and geese, with Canada Ge­ese having a kee­n interest. 
  • Imperial Valley: This spot is alive­ with waterfowl, where ducks and ge­ese play.
  • Salton Sea: This lake provides dive­rse possibilities, like hunting from hidde­n spots and boats.

Jacob Ross

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