Wyoming in fall means more than just hunting big game. It’s the exciting time to track mourning doves, which are rapid flying birds great for honing wingshooting skills. KeÂen on improving your shooting or savoring a day under Wyoming’s vast sky? Dove hunting might be just the ticket. This guide giveÂs you all the essentials for a succeÂssful dove game in Wyoming, discussing law, licensing, and top hunting localeÂs.
Understanding the Wyoming Seasons and Laws for Dove games
Before grabbing your shotgun and venturing outdoors, it’s key to understand the season dates and rules from the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission (WGFC). Let’s briefly oveÂrview:
- Season Dates:Â The dove season in Wyoming opens on September 1st and runs through November 29th.
- Falconry Mourning Doves: November 30 to December 16
Closed Areas: (b, d, e) / (a – after Nov. 15) / (c – after Nov. 14)

- There are three kinds of doveÂs in Wyoming: the typical mourning dove, the slightly hardeÂr rock pigeon, and the Eurasian collared-dove (you can hunt these all year, no liceÂnse needeÂd!).
- Children who are 10 can participate, but those under 12 must have an grownup pal.
- A small game hunting liceÂnse is needeÂd for hunting mourning doves. How much it costs depends on if you live in Wyoming or elsewhereÂ.
- There’s equal opportunity—eÂveryone can bag up to 15 birds a day, and keeÂp up to 45.
- Many people like hunting in Laramie and Goshen Counties, also, remeÂmber the Wildlife Habitat ManageÂment Areas.
- Wyoming’s Hunting Mentorship Program leÂts new hunters, regardleÂss of age, partake in dove hunting undeÂr an expert mentor’s supeÂrvision.
Securing Your Wyoming Dove License
- You can obtain a Small Game Hunting License for only $14. It grants permission to hunt small game like doves throughout the seÂason.
- A Non-Resident Small Game Hunting LiceÂnse is valued at $100, including an extra fiveÂ-day fishing permit! It’s a solid offer to seize some doves, possibly snag a trout for supper.
- Wyoming locals can secure a OneÂ-Day Small Game Hunting License for a simple $10 fee. Ideal if you only can spare one day to pursue those birds.
ReÂgardless of the license you select, it can be acquireÂd online via the Wyoming Game and Fish DeÂpartment website (https://wgfd.wyo.gov/licenses-applications) or visit a nearby license provider. Time to show those doveÂs your impressive aim!
Top Locations for Doves in Wyoming
Wyoming’s diverse landscapes offer a variety of habitats suitable for doves. Here are some top locations to consider, categorized by region:
Eastern Wyoming:
- Laramie County: The fertile farmlands and agricultural fields near Laramie attract doves throughout the fall. Public hunting opportunities exist on Laramie Plains Wildlife Habitat Management Area (WHMA).
- Goshen County: The grain fields and surrounding areas near Torrington in Goshen County provide good dove opportunities. Public hunting can be found on the Hutton Lake Wildlife Refuge.
Southeastern Wyoming:
- Albany County: The agricultural lands surrounding Wheatland and areas near Laramie Peak in Albany County attract doves. Public hunting opportunities are available on the Curt Gowdy State Park Wildlife Habitat Management Area.
- Laramie County: The southeastern portion of Laramie County, near Cheyenne, offers dove opportunities on farmlands and scattered public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
Northeastern Wyoming:
- Sheridan County: The agricultural areas near Sheridan and surrounding valleys offer good dove opportunities. Public hunting can be found on the Thunder Basin National Grassland and scattered BLM lands.
- Campbell County: The farmlands and harvested grain fields near Gillette in Campbell County attract doves. Public hunting is available on the Thunder Basin National Grassland and scattered BLM lands.
1. Are there specific areas in Wyoming where dove hunting is not allowed?
Yes, there are certain areas where dove hunting is prohibited, such as specific lands managed by the Bureau of Reclamation and various wildlife refuges. It’s important to check for any restrictions in these areas before you go hunting.
2. What kind of ammunition is permitted for dove hunting in Wyoming?
In Wyoming, you must use non-toxic shot for dove hunting. The use of lead shot is banned on all state-owned or managed lands, so make sure to load up with the appropriate non-toxic ammunition.
3. Is there a limit on how many doves I can possess in Wyoming?
Yes, there is a possession limit. You are allowed to have up to 45 doves at a time in Wyoming.
4. Can I hunt doves on private property in Wyoming?
Yes, you can hunt doves on private land in Wyoming, but you need to get permission from the landowner before you start hunting. Always ensure you have the landowner’s consent to avoid any legal issues.